Another well-known local mining family is the Williams family. The father-and-son duo, Wade "Hamp" Williams Sr. (1817 - 1899) and Jr., each found success in the mining industry. Their big strikes were 58 years apart.
In 1861, Wade Williams Sr. found success with his discovery of the Joe Walker Mine. His find was sold only a few days later at $2,000, severely underestimating its value. Its new owner, however, was much more successful; he reportedly made $25,000 in the first month alone and went on to become a millionaire.
Wade Williams Jr. also tried his hand at prospecting, successfully striking on his first day at the Amelia Mine. In 1919, along with the help of another local miner, Jack Nosser, Wade Williams Jr. discovered silver at the Kelly Rand Mine. He later sold his share for $50,000.
"Gurba, Norma H. Legendary Locals of the Antelope Valley. Arcadia, 2013.
Photo courtesy of MOAH Collections"