Before You Now: Capturing the Self in Portraiture and Before You Now: Photographic Transmutation

Terry Holzgreen
Branching Out
Straying away from traditional notions of woodworking, cabinetmaker and self-taught artist Terry Holzgreen, creates both functional and sculptural wooden works. His works are a visual compilation of the uniqueness and variety of lumber. Wood fragments from different tree species are arranged into a multitude of shapes, turning into a collage of texture, form, and natural wood color. Pieces and fragments are sourced from both scraps and found material. These assemblages are presented in various formats: cubes, spheres, vessels, wall works, each retaining this pieced-together quality.
Holzgreen’s process derives from his background in carpentry and a fluke idea in which he created a small hollow cube and then attached thin cuts of wood pieces into a grid pattern along the cube’s surface. Holzgreen sees the reuse of these fragments and materials as a way of refining and showcasing the natural beauty of the material. This idea of improvisation and experimentation still resonates in his practice today.